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June 26-29 (Tue-Fri) - Pre Twinkle Camp

 There were 13 students participating in the class. Thank you, Talia, Annie and others for assisting Linda!


 Event info:

June 26-29 (Tue-Fri) - Pre Twinkle Camp
Learn the violin, viola or cello! Taught by Linda.

(Ages 3–7) Your child can start learning the basics of music now! We’ll use fingers & hands in singing games, learn the parts of your instrument, how to use the bow, playing posture, and start out with easy tunes. Parents are welcome (and required for 3 & 4 year- olds). Instructor Linda Good brings 40 years of teaching experience, utilizing Suzuki training, and a MA in Ethnomusicology.
Held at SW Parks & Rec., 10-11am • $25
Register at Parks& Rec - (360) 221-5484. For details, contact Linda.

June 2rd, 2012 - Arts Festival at SW High School

Island Strings has an honor to have Gloria.



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