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webassets/TilthMarket-IMG_4898.JPGWe are being asked to play music for Tilth's Field to Table Sustainability Banquet.  This is a fundraiser for Tilth.  Island Strings and the Calyx school will be given a small stipend for providing music for an hour during the dinner banquet.  

Where:  The Tilth Campus

When:  On Thursday, August 9.  Arrive at 5pm to warm up.  We begin playing at 5:30.

What:  We will play mostly tunes from our summer list, in addition to solos, duets, etc. that you would like to play!  

Here is the list:
May Song
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Boil the Cabbages
Swedish Walking Song
Are you Sleeping?
Orange Blossom Special
Minuet 1
Pachabel Canon
Swallowtail Jig
Plus whatever you tell us you want to play!

Please let
Jodie and/or your Island Strings teacher know you'd like to participate! 
For questions, contact Jodie.