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“Audrey loves these Island Strings  camps, having attended two so far. She enjoys the mini group lessons and then the opportunity to play music, sing, and dance with other children and adults all together around a cultural theme. Over the last year and a half, Audrey has taken violin lessons from Island Strings teachers, Kat, Kimmer, and now Linda Good!  At camp last June, Audrey, 5, played on fiddle and Laila, 8, learned basic beginning Guitar under teacher Siri who she adores! I even learned a few chords on my husband’s lefty guitar (we are both lefties with right handers—figure that!)—all in Siri’s mini group lesson.  Last year both of my girls made new friends at the Fiddle camp!
This was a highlight, getting to know a family from Winthrop, WA. They had heard about the Appalachian themed Island Strings camp and decided to take the whole week off work (and camped) in order to make this camp their summer vacation; they enrolled all three of their young children. It is so enriching for children and adults alike.  So it has been a true family camp for us! We still keep in touch with this wonderful family form the Methow Valley!”

Betsy Gmerek, an Island Strings parent 


“My daughter's introduction to violin was through the week-long Island Strings summer camp. Aaliyah was just 3, and asked to try the violin. We participated in the short pre-twinkle portion of the camp with two others.

The camp was quite magical for these small people, as they watched, in awe, of the "big" kids (some as young as 6-years-old) and the teachers. The exposure to so many young musicians, and the inspiration that came with that, was part of what made the camp so special. At the end of the week, Aaliyah and I set the violin down for a year. Neither of us were ready for the commitment of weekly lessons and practicing.

However, the following year, Aaliyah asked, again, to go to IS camp... And, again, we went for another super fun and inspiring week. This time, there was no stopping her. She decided she was ready for lessons and has been playing ever since... Now she is one of those 6-year-old "big" kids!”

Lisa Kois, an Island Strings parent